Heckington Surgery, 1 Sleaford Road, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9QP
Telephone: 01529 460213 Option1 = CareNavigators/Reception, Option2 = Dispensary, Option3 = Cancel Appt, Option4 = Secretaries
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Sleaford Surgery, 29 Handley Street, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7TQ | Telephone: 01529 460213
COVID/Flu Jabs Blog – Latest – Feb 2025 Antibiotic Prescriptions & Availability ASK MY GP Pharmacy First Prescription Queries Zero-Tolerance Practice Privacy Notice
When contacting the practice for antibiotics for any reason please understand that a clinician will require to see you in a face to face appointment for this.
Please understand that our Care Navigators work tirelessly to support our patients and if they tell you that an appointment is required or any other instruction it is because they have been requested to do so by a GP. With a little understanding we can all support each other to provide excellent care and patient experience.