Heckington Surgery, 1 Sleaford Road, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9QP
Telephone: 01529 460213 Option1 = CareNavigators/Reception, Option2 = Dispensary, Option3 = Cancel Appt, Option4 = Secretaries
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Sleaford Surgery, 29 Handley Street, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7TQ | Telephone: 01529 460213
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Home Visits are available for patients who are clinically too ill to attend the surgery. Obtaining a home visit is not directly relative to being clinically assessed as ‘Housebound’, this assessment is used more frequently when liaising with secondary care services.
All requests will be triaged by a GP to determine if the request is appropriate for the home visiting service.
Accessibility to this is strict as this requires one of our clinicians to leave practice for that visit and so drastically reduces the available appointments for that session. If you are not assessed as suitable and are asked to come into the surgery to see a clinician please understand that we have already triaged your request and if you are able to get in this is always the best solution for our service delivery and capacity
If possible please try to telephone or contact Ask My GP via reception before 11:00 if you require a home visit. You must also understand that home visits can not be given an exact time as all the clinicians will have clinics in practice to manage before home visits can be completed. For this reason when asking for a home visit you must asses yourself to ensure that your are safe and well to wait for up to 6 hours for this visit. If your condition cannot wait this long then the home visiting service is not suitable and you should call 999 or 111 for support.