Heckington Surgery, 1 Sleaford Road, Heckington, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 9QP
Telephone: 01529 460213 Option1 = CareNavigators/Reception, Option2 = Dispensary, Option3 = Cancel Appt, Option4 = Secretaries
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Sleaford Surgery, 29 Handley Street, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 7TQ | Telephone: 01529 460213
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Millview Medical Centre aims to be at the heart of the community, working together with our patients and staff to enhance the health and wellbeing of those we care for. We aspire to be an organisation to be proud of, fostering the core values of compassion, honesty and respect.
Since the last CQC inspection, Millview has already taken steps to incorporate our new vision and strategy.
Throughout the last year, we have actively promoted social media to connect with our practice population. The Millview Facebook page, created at the start of the pandemic, not only provides a source of support and key information; it also promotes the Millview Community Fund which has already raised a substantial amount of money. This has been spent on projects such as food banks in both Heckington and Sleaford as well an NHS remembrance chair. We have also been able to install a community defib at our Heckington site.
Millview have been keen to continue the close relationship with the PPG and have worked together to continue to produce a regular newsletter for our patients. Our rapport with the Parish Council has led to their involvement with the design of our new car park and future plans to develop a community allotment and sensory garden.
Millview are keen promote an environmentally friendly practice and are a member of the ‘Greener Practice Network’. As well as the solar panels already installed on the Heckington building, the new car park planned at Heckington will have electric charging points and use specially designed matting to reduce environmental harm.
The practice has also been keen to listen to the needs of its staff, recognising that staff members need to be nurtured and fulfilled. With our partners Dr Shrouder, Dr Revu, Dr Kasinathan and Lead Nurse Clare Shrouder the leadership style has evolved to be more democratic. One of the key changes made has been the promotion of professional development. Staff across all departments have had the opportunity to enhance their skills for example, resilience training for reception staff to a paediatric course for our nurse practitioner. We have supported two staff members in accessing University course- one a Foundation degree to become a Nurse Associate and another to become an Advanced Nurse Practitioner, we have upskilled one of our Care Navigators to become a phlebotomists and she is also within the application process for a Nurse Associate qualification . All the nurses have also had additional training to receive students at the practice. We have welcomed medical students, a Return to Practice Nurse, paramedics and an aspiring medic with very positive feedback. We were very pleased that one of our medical students won the Primary Care Clinical Governance prize, undertaken and supervised at Millview. An audit designed to increase the rates of cervical screening successfully increased uptake and QOF figures are now above target.
Staff numbers have also increased over the last year which has also improved the overall performance. The surgery now employs an extra 2 receptionists and a new dispenser. The dispensary also has a trainee dispenser due to complete her training by the end of the year. Our MSK practitioner is now in practice 5 days a week and we have employed an additional Advanced Nurse Practitioner who delivers one day a week as well as providing holiday cover for the other ANP’s.
Our Care Coordinator team – which is led by our Primary Care Network has evolved to include a practice Nurse, HCA and 2 administrators.
To future proof health provision for the local population, the practice has been selected to be part of a new national pioneering project…..more details to come.
We are adopting an active Staff Wellbeing Programme to support or colleagues which involves numerous activities, access to support services and in practice morale boosters as well as supporting an improved work/home life balance for our staff.